Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Income Inequality And Educational Achievement Essay

â€Å"Income inequality: How NZ is one of the worst in the world† (Fyers Kirk 2015) â€Å"Income inequality stunts NZ growth – OECD† (Fallow, 2014) Income inequality, we hear about it on the news and read about it in the papers but what does this mean for New Zealand. â€Å"Income inequality refers to the extent to which income is distributed in an uneven manner among a population† (Institute for Policy Studies, 2016). Since the 1980’s New Zealand gap between the rich and poor that has been increasing faster than anywhere else in the world (Rashbrooke, 2013). How is this affecting the future of our country through our next generations, our children? Income inequality affects educational achievement for children while they are involved in early childhood education and school education. I am going to be focusing on how income inequality affects educational achievement however I cannot fully focus on income inequality without looking at poverty. I will be developing an argument about how income inequality affect educational achievement overall in New Zealand. I will bring facts and statistics to support my argument. I will suggest way to improve to income inequality so that children can increase educational achievement. New Zealand is a part of The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) which is a unique forum where the governments of 34 democracies who have market economies work together (United States Mission, 2016). Brian Easton (2015) has put out a graph ofShow MoreRelatedThe Societal Influences on the Educational Impact of Students731 Words   |  3 Pagesinfluences on the educational impact of students are numerous. Two of the most important are income inequality and technology Income inequality and the effects on education have been at the heart of a contentious debate. 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