Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Literature Review Core Elements - 1389 Words

Literature Review Core elements Life is difficult for anyone. Some times individuals feel lost or upset and they use substances. When an individual is dependent on substances it is difficult for any individual to deal with these emotions. In the DSM-V alcohol-related disorders include alcohol use disorder, alcohol intoxication and alcohol withdrawal. To be classified as an individual with alcohol disorder one needs to drink alcohol in large amounts or for a longer period than intended. There is a persistent desire to drink and one can’t control alcohol use. These individuals miss out on important social, occupational, or recreational activities. The alcohol is used to the point that it becomes physically hazardous to one’s self or others. Alcohol disorder is defined by a group of behavioral and physical symptoms, which can lead to withdrawal, tolerance and craving alcohol (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Impact When an individual has a drinking problem it causes difficulties in a lot of aspects of one’s life. One impact is their health. Individuals that drink excessively can have kidney or liver failure, stomach ulcers, reduced brain activity and reduced ability to do certain activities. Some examples include impairment during driving, their line of work, and operating heavy machinery. Repeated consumption of alcohol can affect every organ system in a person’s body. Alcohol can become costly. Even though a cheep bottle of wine can be twelveShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Polarization Sensitivity Of Hcg818 Words   |  4 Pagesto be explored . Polarization sensitivity of HCG:-As polarization selectivity is important in many applications like VCSELs. It has been shown through the literature that most of the research is done on the 1 dimensional HCGs. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Dra Fast Ferment Free Essays

__________________________________________ MSING014 – MSING014B – MSINM014 DECISION RISK ANALYSIS – 2011/2012 FINAL EXAM __________________________________________ The examination will last for TWO (2) hours. The exam is open book. You are allowed to use the course pack, class handouts and any other materials that relate to the course. We will write a custom essay sample on Dra Fast Ferment or any similar topic only for you Order Now You are not allowed to access the internet, or e-mail. The examination paper consists of 10 questions: You should answer ALL of the questions. Make explicit any assumptions underlying your answers, interpret your esults and justify your answers, conclusions and recommendations. But keep your answers short and to the point. In grading, importance will be attached to the clarity and conciseness of your answers. Good luck! DECISION RISK ANALYSIS: EXAM FastFerment FastFerment is a start-up venture started by UCL scientists and engineers. The firm has discovered an enzyme which accelerates the evolution of the mold Aspergillus Orgzae, which is used for making traditional rice-based alcoholic drinks (rice wines) in East Asia such as Sake or Makgeolli. W hen this powder is included in the production of the rice wines, the production lead time is shortened from 10 days to 3 days without affecting the taste or quality of the wine, as it accelerates the fermentation of the rice. Thus, the powder can substantially increase the production capacity for the rice-wine manufacturers and provide them with a competitive advantage. Recently, FastFerment has perfected the technology of genetically engineering and mass producing this accelerating enzyme and storing it in a powder form. They are currently formulating strategies to commercialize the powder by selling the powder to manufacturers. Currently, they estimate there are 156 rice wine manufacturers, but this could be as less as 140, as existing firms may no longer be active, and as many as 190, as there are recent new entrants to the market as the rice wines have become popular in recent years. Because the powder is new, they expect only a few early adopters would be interested in the product. The y expect between 5~10% of the firms to be their potential buyers, with no specific percentage being greater than the other. The price they would charge for 1 kg of the powder would depend on the cost of manufacturing the powder as well as the value it delivers to each manufacturer. After conducting initial market research, they expect an average manufacturer to be willing to pay as high as ? 950/kg, but as low as ? 400/kg depending on the initial negotiations. They expect the selling price to be ? 550/kg. Moreover, it is uncertain how much quantity each manufacturer would want to buy, which will depend on their current production capacity, but they are estimating anywhere between 100kg to 400kg per firm. The founders agree that they would need to hire professional sales people with the necessary knowledge of the science of the powder to help them sell to each manufacturer. They do not know how many will join, but they have made an offer to 6, and expect between 4 and 6 to join FastFerment, with each number being equally likely. The annual wage will be given in terms of salary (no commission), and it is expected to be ? 50,000, but it is negotiable between ? 45,000 and ? 75,000 depending on their qualifications and experience. FastFerment is also examining the cost associated with production. While they have perfected the technology to manufacture the powder, they currently do not have the manufacturing plant set up to accommodate the potential demand. Initial estimates show that the fixed cost associated with setting up a manufacturing plant is at least ? 300,000 and at most ? 600,000, with ? 500,000 being the most likely. The variable cost for producing 1kg of the powder is expected to be ? 200/kg, but this is also variable by 10% in either direction. Lowest Rice wine manufacturers 140 adopters (%) 5. 0% price/kg 400 Quantity of purchase (kg) 100 salesforce 4 Salary (? ) 45,000 Fixed cost of production (? 300,000 Variable cost per 1kg (? ) 180 –TABLE 1– Likely 156 -550 –50,000 500,000 200 MSING014 – MSING014B – MSINM014 highest 190 10. 0% 950 400 6 75,000 600,000 220 DECISION RISK ANALYSIS: EXAM The objective of FastFerment is to maximize the annual profit, but it is unclear whether the firm would be profitable based on the numbers. Q uestion 1. Scenario Analysis Start @Risk for Excel and open the Excel spreadsheet â€Å"FastFerment. † Perform a scenario analysis for this venture, and determine the best-case and worst-case scenarios (do not use @Risk for this, just plug the numbers in the model and observe the results). What are your conclusions? The scenario analysis below shows that there is significant uncertainty in the profitability of this venture. The worst-case scenario shows a loss of ? 924,000, whereas the best-case scenario shows a potential profit of ? 5,372,000. So there is a substantial downside, but also a huge upside. AT this point, therefore, it is not recommended to make any decision, as it is yet unclear how the risks will affect th profitability of this venture. Rice wine manufacturers early adopters (%) price/kg Quantity of purchase (kg) salesforce Salary (? ) Fixed cost of production (? ) Variable cost per 1kg (? ) Annual profit (? ) Worst Case Scenario Best Case Scenario 140 190 5. 0% 10. 0% 400 950 100 400 6 4 75,000 45,000 600,000 300,000 220 180 -924,000 5,372,000 Question 2. Sensitivity Analysis Which is the biggest risk, (a) the variable cost/kg (b) the price/kg or (c) the % of early adopters? How did you determine this? Again, do not yet use @Risk. Setting as the base case 7. 5% for %-adopters, 250 to quantity of purchase, 5 as the number of salesforce, and the rest of the parameters to the most likely case, and we examine the potential impact of these three parameters. The price/kg is the biggest risk, with a potential impact of ? 1,608,750 when varied from 400 to 950 (-? 165,000 versus ? 1,443,750). The %-early adopters is the second biggest risk with a potential impact of ? 682,500 when varied from 5% to 10% (-? 67,500 versus ? 615,000). The variable cost/kg is the lowest risk with a potential impact of ? 117,000 when varied from 180 to 220 (? 215,250 versus ? 332,250). MSING014 – MSING014B – MSINM014 DECISION RISK ANALYSIS: EXAM Question 3. Simulation Analysis – Distributions To perform a simulation analysis, we need to identify an appropriate distribution to model each of the risk factors. Determine an appropriate distribution and their parameters for each of the risk factors. Triangular distributions (with the lowest, likely and highest estimates as parameters) would work well for all risks except % of early adopters and quantity of purchase, which should be uniform (with the lowest and highest estimates as the parameters), and salesforce, which should be discrete with equal probability of 0. 33 to each three cases {4,5,6}. Question 4. Simulation Analysis – Average Using @Risk, perform a simulation analysis, and determine the average profit for this venture. How high and low could the profit potentially be? Compare these results with the scenario analysis results. After performing 5000 iterations, the average profit is approximately ? 570,000. This means that if we were to run this business for many years, we would have an average annual profit of around ? 570,000 per year (provided the conditions do no change over time). MSING014 – MSING014B – MSINM014 DECISION RISK ANALYSIS: EXAM Question 5. Simulation Analysis – VaR What is the likelihood that the profit is positive? What is the probability that the profit is ? 1. 5M or more? W hat is the Value-at-Risk (VaR)? There is about 80% chance of making a profit, and about 10% chance of making a profit that is ? 1. 5M or more. The VaR at 5% is around -? 300,000. Question 6. Simulation Analysis – Tornado Diagram Examine the tornado diagram. What can you conclude? Suppose that increasing the number of sales people and their salaries increase the quantity of powder that each manufacturer buys. Would this be a good investment? The tornado diagram shows that the quantity of purchase and the price/kg are the biggest risk factors. The risks related to the cost of production of the powder or the number of salesforce and salary are actually not that significant. Increasing the salesforce and the salary in return for increase in the quantity of purchase therefore seems to be a good investment. MSING014 – MSING014B – MSINM014 DECISION RISK ANALYSIS: EXAM Five Grains is one of the leading manufacturers of rice wines. The CEO of Five Grains, a UCL alumnus, has learned about FastFerment’s powder through his personal networks, and immediately recognized the potential opportunity the powder can represent. According to Five Grains’ recent internal consumer trend study, the demand for various specialty rice wines (using different variety of rice), which is currently negligible due to nonproduction, is expected to rise in the next several years. In particular, for the current year, they conjecture that with 50% the demand will be large (translating into a potential profit of ? 4. 5M), and with 50% it will be small (translating into a potential profit of ? . 5M). Although other firms are looking into producing the specialty rice wines, it is difficult for them to quickly do so as it requires building additional capacity, as most firms do not want to produce the specialty rice wines at the expense of sacrificing the traditional rice wine production. However, with access to the powder, firms can immediately free up their production capacity to mass produce the specialty rice-wines and capture its potential demand. Five Grains also recognized that the competitors also eventually receive information and gain access to the FastFerment’s powder. If this happens, Five Grains will have to share the demand with its competitors. Based on intuition, the CEO believes that there is 70% chance that more than 1 competing manufacturers will eventually adopt the powder and dive into the specialty rice-wine market. In such case, Five Grains will only capture 20% of the demand and hence earn 20% of the potential profit. On the other hand, there is a 20% chance that one competitor adopts the powder, in which case they will be able to capture 50% of the demand and hence earn 50% of the potential profit. He believes that there is only 10% chance that nobody else will MSING014 – MSING014B – MSINM014 DECISION RISK ANALYSIS: EXAM enter the market during the year, in which case they can capture 80% of the demand and 80% of the potential profit. To maximize their knowledge of the powder, Five Grains is currently negotiating a deal with FastFerment to ask for a 1-year exclusivity agreement. If the deal can be made, then Five Grains will be the only manufacturer with the access to the powder and be certain to capture 80% of demand (80% of profit). Question 7. Decision Analysis – What to do? The meeting takes place and FastFerment asks Five Grains for ? 1. 5M for the 1-year exclusivity deal. Using a decision tree, find out whether or not Five Grains should agree to buy the 1-year exclusivity deal at ? 1. 5M. I would recommend Five Grains to not buy the one year exclusivity deal for ? 1. 5M, as the expected profit associated with not buying the deal (? 0. 8M) is greater than that with the deal (? 0. 5M). MSING014 – MSING014B – MSINM014 DECISION RISK ANALYSIS: EXAM Question 8. Decision Analysis – Value? What is the maximum amount that Five Grains should pay for the 1-year exclusivity deal? The maximum amount that Five Grains should pay for the deal is ? 1. 2M, as it is the price when the expected profits are the same when buying and not buying. Question 9. Decision Analysis – Risk/Sensitivity Examine the risk profile for Five Grains with and without the 1-year exclusivity deal at ? 1. 5M. If the demand turns out to be large, what is the (expected) profit with and without the 1 -year exclusivity deal? What if the demand turns out to be small? How does the value of 1-year exclusivity deal change with respect to the probability that the demand is large? If the demand turns out to be large, then with the 1-year exclusivity deal, Five Grains will earn ? 2. 1M, whereas without it they will earn ? 1. 44M on average with the risk of earning less than ? 1M. However, if the demand turns out to be small, then Five Grains will lose ? 1. 1M, whereas without it they will earn ? 0. 16M. Thus, while there is higher upside with the 1-year exclusivity deal, it also represents a greater downside risk. MSING014 – MSING014B – MSINM014 DECISION RISK ANALYSIS: EXAM When the probability that the demand is high increases by 1%, there is a ? 12,800 increase in the expected profit. MSING014 – MSING014B – MSINM014 DECISION RISK ANALYSIS: EXAM Question 10. Decision Analysis – A year later The deal for the 1-year exclusivity had been signed for ? 1M, and the demand for the specialty rice wines had turned out to be high. After a new study, Five Grains now projects that the demand for the variety wine will be large with probability 90% (translating into a potential profit of ? 9M), and small with probability 10% (translating into a profit of ? 1M). Moreover, the CEO feels that there is a 95% chance that more than one competitor will adopt the powder, which would allow them to earn 20% of the potential profit, and there is a 5% chance that only 1 firm will adopt , which would allow them to earn 50% of the potential profit. He believes that there is 0% that no firm adopts the powder this year, unless Five Grain brokers a 1-year exclusivity deal again with FastFerment, in which case they will earn 80% of the potential profit. (i) W hat is the value of 1-year exclusivity for this year for Five Grains? Call this VFG. Five Grains contacts FastFerment and offers to pay (0. * VFG) for a 1-year exclusivity deal, citing the fact that it represents a steep increase from the ? 1M paid in the previous year. (ii) From FastFerment’s point of view, they believe that the adoption rate of the powder has now increased and expects between 50~60% of the manufacturers to become their potential buyers. Taking the rest of the parameters from th e previous year as a conservative estimate of the current year (change all the parameters in Table 1, except the % -adopters), what is the minimum amount that FastFerment should demand from Five Grains this year for the 1-year exclusivity deal? Run the simulation analysis using @Risk and find the expected profit with the high adoption rate. W ill the deal go through? From the Decision Tree, we find that the value is approximately ? 4. 8M. MSING014 – MSING014B – MSINM014 DECISION RISK ANALYSIS: EXAM We find that with the adoption rate between 50~60%, the expected profit is around ? 8. 9M, and there is 10% chance that FastFerment will make ? 15M or more. The deal won’t go through this time as the 1-year exclusivity deal would need to be prohibitively expensive for Five Grains. MSING014 – MSING014B – MSINM014 How to cite Dra Fast Ferment, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The History Of Psychology Essay Example For Students

The History Of Psychology Essay Roots of modern psychology remain in the past at the time of ancient Greece, yet the beginning of psychology has been around for nearly a century. Its exact date is 1879, in Leipzig, Germany. Leipzig was the first laboratory for experimental psychology. Wilhelm Wundt was really the first person to actually call himself a psychologist. He was the first person to have an experimental laboratory for psychology. Hermann Von Helmholtz was psychologist in mathematics and experimental mathematical physics. His works are connected with the eye, the ear, and the nervous system. Another person was a German as well, his name was Gustav Fechner, he studied how physical stimulation is translated into sensations, all three of these guys then came up with determinism. Structuralism, introduced in the United States by Edward Titchener, emphasizes the what of mental contents rather than the why or how. This theory is based on presuming all mental experiences could be understood in a combination of events of elements broken into smaller chunks. An example could be smelling a fragrance and trying to analyze what the ingredients are. The argument is that this simplistic theory is based on sensations of the consciousness. Functionalism, according to William James, is the ability for learned habits that help organisms adapt to the environment and function effectively. Structuralism searches for elements and contents, but functionalism goes into the property of the mind and its interactions with the environment. John Dewy is a famous functionalist who used this theory in looking for ways to improve education. In order to understand a behavior, action, or thought, it is important to understand the function or purpose it serves not what the structure may be. In otherwords, explain behaviorism rather than control them. Evolutionism, a theory developed by Charles Darwin, proposes that all species have ever-changing traits that help organisms and species survive in what is called natural selection process. Functionalism deals with behavior whereas evolutionism deals with the process of behavior and mental processes. Structuralism on the other hand deals with what makes up the structure or human mind.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Light Waves Essays - Electromagnetic Spectrum,

Light Waves In this universe there are many thing that we cannot explain. Among these many things is light. Light, as far as we know, come in different wavelengths and the size of the wavelength determine what type of light it is. The middle wavelength lights are what gives us the seven basic colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Beside these visible lights there are the lights that cannot be seen by the human eye. These invisible lights can be grouped into two other groups the long waves and short waves. The first group of waves is the longer wavelength of light including infrared and radio waves. Radio waves, the longest wavelengths, alternate and can be volatile. Arthur C. Clarke said in the essay "The Light of Common Day" that since radio waves fluctuate so much no animal has ever been able to sense them. He goes on to say that if you had an eye big enough to see radio waves your eyes would be millions of times larger than a normal eye. The next longest wave is the infrared light waves. Infrared light is used nowadays to see in the night. Special goggles are designed to pick up infrared light making it possible to see at night. The next group of light waves are the shorter waves of ultraviolet and x-rays. Ultraviolet light, sometimes referred to as UV, is right next to violet and is just beyond sight. UV light is what causes sunburns and can be very painful. In Arthur C. Clarks essay it states that even though UV light is not visible the retina of the human eye reacts powerfully to it. He compare the human eye to a camera and says that a good camera need may types of lenses made out of different types of glass to take a good picture. The human eye has only one lens and cannot possible see UV light. The last type of light is the x-ray. The x-ray is the smallest wave and is used in the medical field greatly to take pictures through flesh of bones. Even though x-rays are very useful they can be very dangerous. They have been know to disrupt radio waves and can poison a human body to the point of death. In summary, the invisible lights can be broken down into large wavelength and short wavelength groups. The large wavelength group consists of radio waves and infrared light. Radio waves are sometimes volatile and infrared light is use to see at night among other things. The other set of invisible light, the short wavelength, include ultraviolet light and x-rays. Ultraviolet light is not visible but affects the retina in the human eye. X-rays are helpful in hospitals but are lethal in large quantities.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

buy custom Technology Advancements essay

buy custom Technology Advancements essay In the present world, the rate at which technology is advancing and changing is somehow faster than initially expected. Once a technological application is realized, it starts to depreciate overtime in terms of its effectiveness and value (Ciambrone, 2004). The depreciation of an existing technological idea comes as a result of discovery of other alternatives and displacements in the same discipline. Therefore, the process to evaluate alternative or replacement technological applications for existing technologies is as follows: First, a cost benefit analysis is done for the existing technological application and its alternatives or replacements. In cost benefit analysis, both the costs and benefits of the existing and alternative/replacement technologies are evaluated by an appropriate form of analysis. At the end of the evaluation; if the costs of the existing technology outweigh the benefits, then the alternative or replacement applications are set to be adopted (Ciambrone, 2004). On the other hand, if the costs of the alternative or replacement technological applications outweigh the benefits, then other new alternatives are sought as the existing application remains in use. However, for a new alternative or replacement to be adopted, the following critical issues must be considered in the process of evaluation. The new application (replacement or alternative) must carry more benefits and less associated costs compared to the existing ones. The process of evaluation also looks at the ethical and legal co nsiderations of the alternative or replacement applications. This is necessary for acceptance of the new replacement or alternative application. Replacement of an existing technology or adoption of an alternative application to the existing technology should occur at a point where the existing technological application is no longer effective, beneficial, or efficient compared to its possible alternatives or replacements. At this point, the process to evaluate alternative or replacement applications for existing technologies is set to be initiated, in order to adopt more beneficial and cost effective applications. Buy custom Technology Advancements essay

Friday, November 22, 2019

6 Things You Must Do Before That Successful Interview

6 Things You Must Do Before That Successful Interview Getting an interview feels like a victory, doesn’t it? It means you’re one step closer to that job, and makes a black-and-white online job posting seem like more of a reality. After you do your happy I-got-the-interview dance, it’s time to start thinking ahead for the interview itself. Here are six things you can do ahead of time to set yourself up right for the big day.1. Plan your outfit.This doesn’t just apply to fashionistas. Figuring out ahead of time what you’ll be wearing can take one major thing off your mind the day of the interview. It also lets you plan ahead for small (but crucial) touches like making sure your clothes are cleaned and pressed on time or that your lucky interview shoes are shined up and ready to walk into the room like a boss.2. Get your talking points in order.Review the job listing, and remind yourself how your skills and experience dovetail with what the company’s seeking in this role. Then, be sure to practice working those into a conversation. Naturally.  No one wants to be hit with a barrage of canned-sounding bullet points†¦ especially if you were asked to name a few of your strengths, and you respond with a memorized monologue about your achievements from your last job.3. Take another pass at your resume.You should have reviewed your resume before you applied for the job (please tell me you did!), but even so, take a fresh look at it. Is there anything you can tighten up before you walk into the interview as an ambassador for yourself and your work achievements? Once you feel good about the content and of your resume and have caught every typo, make sure to print copies (on high-quality paper, whenever possible) to take with you on interview day.4. Put on your researcher hat.Learn as much as you possibly can about the company before you go in. Can you tell anything about their corporate culture from their social media accounts? Have they been in the news for anything lately? If there’s been a scandal, obviously don’t eagerly bring it up in the interview. But if the company has been involved in something cool or newsworthy, it’s good to have that info stored and ready to go.5. Practice your smile.Spend a few moments rehearsing your interview smile in the mirror each night before you go to bed. Work on your most confident, pleasant smile, and be ready to break it out for every  person you meet during the interview (receptionists, assistants, interviewers). You can also practice with loved ones, or take some selfies to review and find the best â€Å"hire me† grin.6. Have your thank-you letters ready to go.The night before your interview, type up a template for your thank-you notes to your interviewers. That way, after you walk out of the interview you just have to enter a few crucial details (the person’s name, email address, and ideally a specific reference or two to the conversation you had), then hit send. Easy peasy.A little extra care and planning as you get ready for the interview can be the edge you need to get you to that next step: the job offer. After all, the interview is the only thing keeping you from an even better happy dance: the I-got-the-job one.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Critically evaluate interventions aimed at increasing physical actvity Essay

Critically evaluate interventions aimed at increasing physical actvity levels in school children aged 511 (Primary School) - Essay Example As the physical activity interventions have enough evidence that can avoid diabetes in children, it is as well important to decrease overweight and obesity in children. As obesity is due to the increase of energy intake than the energy expenditure, the physical interventions are necessary for the reasonable energy expenditure in the children. In addition to that the physical activity can help in maintenance of musculoskeletal health and can reduce the increase of fat due to sedentary life style in children. In addition to above aspects, the physical activities will help in psychological development and well being of children as they are capable of avoiding depression, stress and anxiety. As the development of social skills in children need physical activities as well as classroom activities, the physical interventions in primary school children will develop a positive self-image and self esteem thus increasing the quality of life (WHO, 2006). 1 Townsend, Tony (19980 quotes Comenius (1657) and Pestalozzi (1898) along with Froebel (1903) about the physical interventions in the form of play in early childhood education. ... All the above authors recognized play as 'work' of children and is significant in their activities. Supporting the above theory of play, recent works by Anning (1994), Berk (1994) insisted that the inclusion of play in programs can provide theoretical support. In addition to the clinical benefits, the physical activities are helpful in learning also. In addition to that the children in future can develop socially cooperative behavior by engaging themselves in physical activities. To have long term goals from the physical activities, highly skilled teachers are necessary to judge the situation, intervention and recording the events for future planning. To have long term gains, teachers in primary schools should understand the play activities as well as physical activities as tools for learning as well as health. The physical activities can make children to achieve individual and group objectives. To achieve the results of physical activities and for timely implementation of them, the parent teacher partnership is necessary for long term gains of physical activities of children. 2 Children in Playground and Recess Just before analyzing the long term and health benefits of physical activity in children, their playground and recess behavior concern is important. Pellegrini, Anthony (1994) quotes Craig Hart (1993) that emphasizes the importance of recess for children. It is the unique part of the school day and enables children to interact with each other thus paving way for their social behavior of the future. As classrooms do not have peer interaction, the recess provides that and can act as emotional ventilation making them mentally healthy. The physical activities can be termed as

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Industrial facility Essay Example for Free

Industrial facility Essay 1. Describe how the use of a tall smoke stack might improve air quality near a large industrial facility. 2. How can topography contribute to pollution in a city or region? 3. From where do hurricanes derive their energy? What factors tend to weaken hurricanes? Would you expect a hurricane to weaken more quickly if it moved over land or over cooler water? 4. Where is the Bermuda high located during the summer and fall? How might the path of a hurricane, moving toward the west from Africa, be affected by the Bermuda High as the hurricane approaches the United States? 5. How do you think pollutants are removed from the atmosphere? Does this occur quickly or slowly? 1: The smoke coming from a tall smoke stack doesn’t mix with the pollutants below it. When a temperature inversion comes in at night, the smoke from the tall smoke stack is above the top of the inversion and doesn’t get trapped with the air below. The air below doesn’t get polluted as it would with a much shorter smoke stack, and doesn’t affect the air quality. 2: Topography plays a major role in trapping pollutants. Cities like Denver and Los Angeles, that lie in a valley or between mountains get better temperature inversions. Cold air mixing with the polluted air sinks to the bottom of valleys and low-lying basins. The top of these inversions creates a blanket-like effect and traps the pollutants so that they mix with the cold air below. In these poorly ventilated areas winds can’t mix and carry out the cold air or polluted air. In cities like Los Angeles, mountains surround the sides of the city, but the cold air from the Pacific Ocean comes onto land and helps trap pollutants. 3: Several factors are required to create a hurricane. Hurricanes often start off as a Tropical wave from the west coast of Africa. The diverging air moves from east to west with storms behind it with the converging air. Hurricanes come from 5-20 degrees north or south of the Equator and move with the coriolis effect. These storms must have a light wind shear in the upper atmosphere, warm ocean waters (26.5 degrees celsius +), instability in the atmosphere and a trigger (like a tropical wave). They form into a cluster of rotating thunderstorms around a low pressure system and release latent heat from the waters. However, strong vertical wind shears, cold water and land will dissipate a hurricane quickly. A hurricane moving over land will weaken a hurricane  more because hurricanes need the warm moist air that it cannot get from land. 4: Through the summer and fall the Bermuda high is located in the Atlantic, close to Bermuda. Since hurricanes are attracted to the heat and high pressure, the Bermuda high creates a perfect environment for the storm to form. Since the diverging air moving west from the African coast moves in an anticyclonic motion, it moves into the area of the Bermuda high before strengthening. The east coast of the US is very likely to receive hurricanes or the strong storms from the hurricanes rain bands. Hurricanes normally move from west, to north west to northeast. 5: Pollutants can be slowly removed from the atmosphere by various methods. Growing trees naturally filter the air. There are man-made machines to do so as well. These machines filter the air using scrubbers, house filters and other methods. These can also be installed in home air conditioning systems. After the filters are cleaned, they can be easily disposed.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Demons Within Essay -- Demons Possession Skinner Frazier Essays

The Demons Within There are many interesting, well developed, entertaining, colorful, exciting, and provocative characters in Mario Vargas LlosaÕs novel Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter. Pedro Camacho is quite a character, as well as Aunt Julia herself. I was even greatly intrigued by such small characters as Cousin Nancy and, believe it or not, the cabdriver who helped find a mayor to marry Aunt Julia and Marito. however, nobody in the whole book interested me more than Marito Varguitas himself. He is just such a well developed character, and really seems like a person who would be fun to know. In fact, nothing about Marito interested me more than the demons that he possesses, or should I say seem to posses him and manifest themselves in his life as well as his stories. One of the many demons Marito possesses is his writing itself. he seems to constantly be in the middle of writing another short story to send to some newspaper or magazine. The thing is, none of these stories actually ever seem to be very good or successful. Throughout the novel, not one of them is ever actually publisher. Not even MaritoÕs friends really like his writing. In Chapter thirteen he reads the one about Aunt Eliana to Javier, Aunt Julia, and even to Pascual and Big Pablito. After they hear it, not one of them really has anything nice to say about it at all. So, although writing is one of MaritoÕs passions, it is also one of his demons. It is basically his job and how he makes a living at the radio station ÒRadio Panamericana,Ó but it controls the rest of his live away from work as well. Another demon possessed by or possessing Marito is that of age. Age obviously plays a huge role in this novel. Marito is barely eighteen years old, not even a legal adult in his own country, and yet he is in love with Aunt Julia, how is not only divorced, but also many years older than her lover at thirty something years old. His age seems to cause many conflicts for Marito throughout the book. The funny thing is that when it was preventing him from marrying Aunt Julia, all that was done was simply to change one number, a six to a three, to solve the problem. In the end, it really didnÕt seem as if age was really the issue that was the problem for Marito and Aunt JuliaÕs family. Another huge demon in the story is ... ...story as a current guide." He offers a lot of pertinent criticism of history and it's relevance, including the unreliability of its information, its skewed perspectives, etc. But, even with all of History's drawbacks, eliminating history as a study would cause an even greater distortion of our understanding. Why study history? Er ... it exists, doesn't it? We have a past. Would he let young people grow up in Walden Two thinking it had always existed, thinking, perhaps, that it had sprung up full-blown from the brow of Zeus? It strikes me as dangerous to accept such massive ignorance. To remain ignorant, is to believe a lie. Skinner's Frazier has boundless faith in his ideas. He no longer needs to know history. He is assured that his planners and managers will never become corrupted. (If they did, it would be difficult to know it without a knowledge of what Walden Two had been like before the corruption started.) His rigorous program turns out to be curiously lacking in substance. Skinner's ideas are provocative and thought provoking. But the problems are far too serious to allow the quick dismissal Frazier would give them. In short, I am not ready to sign on the dotted line. The Demons Within Essay -- Demons Possession Skinner Frazier Essays The Demons Within There are many interesting, well developed, entertaining, colorful, exciting, and provocative characters in Mario Vargas LlosaÕs novel Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter. Pedro Camacho is quite a character, as well as Aunt Julia herself. I was even greatly intrigued by such small characters as Cousin Nancy and, believe it or not, the cabdriver who helped find a mayor to marry Aunt Julia and Marito. however, nobody in the whole book interested me more than Marito Varguitas himself. He is just such a well developed character, and really seems like a person who would be fun to know. In fact, nothing about Marito interested me more than the demons that he possesses, or should I say seem to posses him and manifest themselves in his life as well as his stories. One of the many demons Marito possesses is his writing itself. he seems to constantly be in the middle of writing another short story to send to some newspaper or magazine. The thing is, none of these stories actually ever seem to be very good or successful. Throughout the novel, not one of them is ever actually publisher. Not even MaritoÕs friends really like his writing. In Chapter thirteen he reads the one about Aunt Eliana to Javier, Aunt Julia, and even to Pascual and Big Pablito. After they hear it, not one of them really has anything nice to say about it at all. So, although writing is one of MaritoÕs passions, it is also one of his demons. It is basically his job and how he makes a living at the radio station ÒRadio Panamericana,Ó but it controls the rest of his live away from work as well. Another demon possessed by or possessing Marito is that of age. Age obviously plays a huge role in this novel. Marito is barely eighteen years old, not even a legal adult in his own country, and yet he is in love with Aunt Julia, how is not only divorced, but also many years older than her lover at thirty something years old. His age seems to cause many conflicts for Marito throughout the book. The funny thing is that when it was preventing him from marrying Aunt Julia, all that was done was simply to change one number, a six to a three, to solve the problem. In the end, it really didnÕt seem as if age was really the issue that was the problem for Marito and Aunt JuliaÕs family. Another huge demon in the story is ... ...story as a current guide." He offers a lot of pertinent criticism of history and it's relevance, including the unreliability of its information, its skewed perspectives, etc. But, even with all of History's drawbacks, eliminating history as a study would cause an even greater distortion of our understanding. Why study history? Er ... it exists, doesn't it? We have a past. Would he let young people grow up in Walden Two thinking it had always existed, thinking, perhaps, that it had sprung up full-blown from the brow of Zeus? It strikes me as dangerous to accept such massive ignorance. To remain ignorant, is to believe a lie. Skinner's Frazier has boundless faith in his ideas. He no longer needs to know history. He is assured that his planners and managers will never become corrupted. (If they did, it would be difficult to know it without a knowledge of what Walden Two had been like before the corruption started.) His rigorous program turns out to be curiously lacking in substance. Skinner's ideas are provocative and thought provoking. But the problems are far too serious to allow the quick dismissal Frazier would give them. In short, I am not ready to sign on the dotted line.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Differences Between Fact and Value

The words fact and value have always been used interchangeably. The disputes between these two words have always been an issue, sometimes unresolved. Even though, these two words are different, they are still often used to have the same meaning. Due to the differences that existed between these words they often creates some problems, which require clarity. The word fact simply means truth about a statement, life, the world in which we live.In addition, it could mean an objective actuality, which can be subjected to test, verified by appealing to authority (science, books). For instance, in economics it is believed that the higher the price, the lower the quantity demanded. In addition, according to the law of gravity â€Å"everything that goes up must come down†. These two statements are fact. The answer to these is either wrong or right. If proved right then it is a fact. Fact is basically, what is. While, value refers to word that have some features of subjective statement.T hese are statement, which ask questions, this usually comes in the form of what should to be or ought to be and not what is. For instance, this statement gives a clear picture of the word value. Who is the better president, George Bush or Bill Clinton? This study is important to the sociologist because they research and they have to be able to differentiate between issues like this. They should be inclined and therefore, they should be up to date. In conclusion, this study is important to the sociologist.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Kirk Patrick Samuda, Kirk Samuda, Hacking and Intrusion

I read an article written by Mr.. Mathew J. Schwartz, dated March 12. 2012, for Informational via darkening. Com, and ponder the strength of the subject matter discussed, I asked myself the question when does attack prevention begin? The question does present an abstract yet requires that careful thought be exercised when approaching information security breaches, and how to prevent attacks; a technological melancholy with very expensive associations.According to Mathew, â€Å"It Is very Important for companies to consider the smartest ways to first detect, block, and subsequently investigate employees with malicious motives†; joined to a vigorous external process that outlines preventative mechanisms that are designed and Implemented around an ERP that Is based on a review of hundreds of attacks. Hence the best way to identify, then possibly prevent an internal or external attack is to start with a security audit specifically created as a countermeasure; simply an attack prev ention program.For any information security audit to be effective, with the intent to prevent or educe attacks; it is absolutely necessary to be proactive and first create an insider threat program, that reinforces the fundamental purpose of the CIA triad which highlights information confidentiality, and how protection of company assets is most vital to the preservation of authorized restrictions and how information is accessed and disclosed. Never allow any type of attack. Successful or otherwise to go undocumented or wasted. If you experience an attack, learn from it,† For example, let us analyze an information security breach case of a financial corporation that caught n employee trying to steal very private company trading algorithms. Accountability and authenticity must immediately be exercised to ensure that the employee is held accountable and that company property is not violated; and that immediate verification with transitional trust were exercised for the purpose of data integrity and security authentication purposes. Upon identifying weaknesses within the security framework. An informed security team must Immediately exercise new security measures, policies and protocols that reinforce the prior, to explicitly watch for similar types of attacks. As a result of the ROR improved steps, another employee was caught subsequently trying to copy the It was very clear from Mathew Schwartz writings, that most insider attacks occur within a short period of time, especially when an employee conspires to steal intellectual property which normally occurs within 30 days.Fraud is usually an exception, because the monetary rewards normally lead to the perpetrator wanting to continue the attack indefinitely. Hence, it is very important once again to know that malicious employees are likely to launch an information security attack within 30 days of resigning or after they leave the company. As such, keep a close eye on departing or departed employees, track th eir movements prior to departure, by carefully monitoring their computer usage history file.Attack prevention analysis transcends beyond simple security audits that typically attempt to exhaust security protocols and mechanisms. What is fundamentally necessary, is that the security mindset of everyone involved with information and information security; to become profoundly aware of what an adversary is, how to identify vulnerabilities and threats, while exercising counter intuition as a prompt form of virtual defense against attacks. Conclusively, it is paramount for businesses to have in place effective security technology and use it.Identifying both internal and external vulnerabilities and threats is the responsibility of every employee. Most important, it is the primary responsibility of executive management to ensure that qualified security engineers are employed to collaborate with I. T in creating a centralized ERP that pinpoints signs of information infiltration and data exf oliation; which is basically an attack or intelligent threat that violates the security protocols of the system, and security policies of the company.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Big Bang Theory Development Research Paper Example

Big Bang Theory Development Research Paper Example Big Bang Theory Development Paper Big Bang Theory Development Paper The Theory of the Big Bang started from observations and scientific facts. The Big Bang theory provinces that after the Big Bang the existence expanded from its original pea-sized beginning to astronomical proportions. and the enlargement of the existence still continues today but at a much slower rate. In the 20th century many scientific developments were made by scientists that contributed to the creative activity of the Big Bang Theory. In 1910 Vesto Slipher was the first individual to detect displacements in spectral lines in galaxies. What he had discovered was the galactic red shifts. A galactic red shift is a supplanting of spectral lines toward longer wavelengths. What Slipher specifically observed was that the spectral lines of many nebulas exhibited a ruddy displacement that indicated gesture off from planet Earth. Around 1912 Carl Wilhelm Wirtz like Vesto Slipher observed a systematic red shift of nebulae. While detecting the red shift he came to the decision that relative to the present location of the solar system the coiling nebulae is traveling off from the solar system. He subsequently discovered that it is traveling off from the solar system at 656 kilometres per second. This provided experimental grounds that the existence was spread outing. In 1916 Albert Einstein published his Theory of General relativity. The General relativity Theory states that gravity arises from the curvature of infinite and clip. It besides said that the existence was either undertaking or spread outing. Today the theory is used to depict gravity in natural philosophies. Einstein’s theory was influential to the development of the Big Bang theory because it created the cosmogonic invariable. Alexander Friedmann used Einstein’s theory in order to come up with his ain findings. He applied general relativity to cosmology without utilizing the cosmogonic invariable. He found solutions to field equations that created the preliminary work of the Big Bang Theory. His solutions created the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker Universe. Friedmann’s work was important to the promotion of the Big Bang Theory because his work showed that it is possibility of a altering existence. Georges Lemaitre stated that the existence began with an detonation of a aboriginal atom in 1927. This thought was subsequently called the Big Bang. Lemaitre used the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker Universe and Einstein’s General Relativity as a base to his hypothesis. With his hypothesis he created a theoretical account of the existence to detect the displacements in the Spiral Nebulae. With this theoretical account he was able to turn out that the existence was in fact spread outing. Edwin Hubble discovered that other galaxies exist other than the Milky Way Galaxy. With this find it made the possibility of a Bang more plausible. In 1929 Edwin Hubble published Hubble’s Law . This jurisprudence states that the recession speed of a distant extragalactic object is straight relative to its distance. His observation concluded that the existence was one time compacted affair. His jurisprudence led to the creative activity of the Big Bang Model. All of these scientists contributed to the creative activity to the Big Bang theory. as we know it is to be today. Many of these scientists used each other’s work I order to progress or explicate their ain observations or findings. Even though these scientists were finally able to explicate the procedure of the Big Bang they were non successful in clear uping why the Big Bang occurred.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How To Get Started With Twitter Video Marketing - CoSchedule Blog

How To Get Started With Twitter Video Marketing Blog There’s a lot of talk about social media video these days. However, sometimes Twitter gets overshadowed in that discussion by Facebook and other rivals. That’s a shame, because the platform has done a lot to create new opportunities for social video marketing. If Twitter is keeping pace with social media video trends, then marketers and content creators should be too. In this post, we’ll cover: How to shoot and upload Twitter video. Which types of Twitter video content perform best. How to schedule video tweets along with your other content. Think you dont have video skills? No problem. Youll feel like the next Spielberg by the time were done. How To Get Started With Twitter Video MarketingTo help with your video projects, download our free video script template: Why Does Twitter Video Matter? Video content is gaining steam on social media. That includes on Twitter. A 2015 report from Twitter  confirmed some interesting statistics: 82% of users watch video on Twitter 90% of those views happen on a mobile device 41% of users think Twitter is a great place to find video content That should settle any skepticism. Despite these stats, not all brands are creating Twitter content. That means more opportunity for you to stand out. Did you know 82% of users watch video on Twitter? How To Create Twitter Video Content There are three ways to create video content on Twitter: Shooting video in-app using Twitter Video. Directly uploading video files. Sharing video links from YouTube (and other video sharing services). Let’s walk through how each method works. How To Shoot Video Using The Mobile App Shooting video directly in the Twitter mobile app is simple. Here’s how it works: 1. Download the Twitter mobile app (iOS or Android). 2. Open a new tweet window and press the camera icon: 3. Next, select the video camera icon: 4. Then, hold down the button to record your video: Once you’ve shot your video, you’ll be able to upload it directly to Twitter. These screenshots were taken on an Android device. However, the steps are the same for iOS users (the icons just look slightly different). For further details and in-app video editing direction, check out Twitter’s help documentation. How To Import Video From Your Phone Importing video from your phone to Twitter is easy, too. 1. Open a new tweet window and select your video: 2. Next, you’ll have an opportunity to edit your video: 3. Finally, write your post copy and publish your video: How To Direct Upload Video Files To Twitter What if you have a video file you want to share on Twitter? That’s easy enough as well. On Mobile 1. Open a new Tweet window. 2. Select your video from your available media: 3. Write your message and publish your video tweet. On Desktop 1. Open a new tweet window and click the camera button: 2. Find a video file to upload: 3. If your video is longer than 2:20, you’ll need to edit it down. Fortunately, Twitter makes it easy to select which portion of your video you’d like to post. Click and drag the blue tab left or right to make your selection: 4. Write your tweet and publish it. That's it! What About YouTube Links? Videos directly uploaded to Twitter look awesome. However, chances are you’ll want to share YouTube links, too. No problem. YouTube videos look great on Twitter as well, and you don’t need to do anything more than paste your URL. Here’s what the live tweet looks like: Clicking the thumbnail then expands the video player: Recommended Reading: Introducing Social Video from What Are The Pro’s And Con’s Of Video On Twitter? Twitter's mobile app  has cool applications for shooting video in the moment. If your video is already created though, you have a choice to make. Should you upload it to YouTube, and then paste the link in a tweet? Or should you upload your video file directly? It depends.  Before making a decision, you’ll need to weigh  some pros and cons. What Are Twitter’s Technical Requirements For Video? What Equipment Do I Need To Succeed? You just need a phone or a camera, right? Sure, that’s a start. But what about mics? And what kind of camera? Does it matter if you have an iPhone or Android device? Let’s run through your options. iPhone Vs. Android: The Eternal Debate If you plan on shooting mobile video, either iPhone or Android smart phone will work. Windows phone users can’t shoot in-app video, but you can always use your phone’s video camera, and then upload the file via the Twitter app. How Can I Get Better Sound? Smartphone mics are decent enough for basic purposes. If you want better audio quality though, external microphones can help. There are also some simple tactics you can employ. This video from StoryGuide offers an excellent primer on improving smartphone audio recording quality: Got The Coffee Shakes? Get Yourself A Tripod. If you’re handholding your phone while shooting video, some shakiness is inevitable. For those times you need a steady shot, though, a tripod can help. A search for â€Å"smartphone tripod† on Amazon gets more than 500 results, ranging in price to fit your budget (disclaimer: Amazon didn’t pay us anything for this link). What About Editing Software? If you plan on editing your videos outside the Twitter app, and then uploading them later, you’ll need editing software. Windows Movie Maker (Windows) and iMovie (Mac/iOS) are both more than good enough for basic needs. Recommended Reading: How To Do The Best Content Marketing On A Limited Budget Which Types Of Marketing Videos Should I Shoot For Twitter? Now we’re ready to actually shoot some videos. But, what kind of video will you create? We have some ideas to share. How-To Videos How-to videos are essential for any content marketing video strategy. Twitter is no exception. Shoot videos that quickly show people how to do something useful. Check out this video from Home Depot: A Smarter Home makes life easier more enjoyable. Here are 2 easy projects to get started. https://t.co/KxbKIgp0LE pic.twitter.com/0npqitB6jG - The Home Depot (@HomeDepot) August 31, 2016 Product Demonstration Videos Video is key for helping customers do product research. If you have a new product line, service, or feature, shoot a quick video showing how it works. Here’s an excellent example from Google: Capture and share VR photos with #CardboardCamera, now on iOS as well as Android. https://t.co/H4muxNBCSD pic.twitter.com/RFpcVMIyPx - Google VR (@googlevr) September 12, 2016 Culture Videos People love getting behind-the-scenes looks into brands they enjoy. It humanizes your product and helps people build a connection with who you are, and what you do. Twitter for Video is perfect for capturing candid moments around the office. That’s what online retailer RealTruck.com did when they held their own â€Å"Office Olympics†: Recap video of our office Olympics. Fun was had by all! https://t.co/GEb5WLavxP - RealTruck Culture (@RTCultureTeam) August 25, 2016 Recruiting Videos What is it like to work for your company? Show people! That’s what Amazon did in this example: Have you ever wondered what it is like to work for Amazon as a Software Development Engineer (SDE) ? VIDEO https://t.co/D5aITyVUZC #awscloud - Amazon Careers Dub (@AmazonDublin) July 12, 2016 Response Videos Social media is important for customer service. In fact, some brands are even using video to respond to customers. Next time you get a tweet from a customer, shoot a quick video response. It gives your communication a personal touch, and the extra effort will be appreciated. Promotional Videos If you have a sale or promotion, draw attention with a video. Here’s how Gamestop did just that: Enter the latest @GameStop promotion to win cool Gears prizes! #MyGearsMoment #Sweepstakes pic.twitter.com/jOPPuU3FTT - Rod Fergusson (@GearsViking) September 2, 2016 Shout Out Videos Do you have a partner or cause you want to shout out? Do it with a video. Take a cue from Zappos here: Happy Birthday to the National Park Service! 💠¯Ã°Å¸ â€ Get out there and #FindYourPark!#NPS100https://t.co/qDS4K68Fvl - Zappos (@zappos) August 25, 2016 Interview Videos Contact an influencer or subject matter expert, interview them, and get it on video. Then, share a clip on Twitter. Watch how Mention pulled this off: We asked 5 top influencersâÅ" ¨1 BIG marketing question. Watch 🎠¥ full video here: https://t.co/3SqpkIgopz #mktg pic.twitter.com/XkLiOocJvc - Mention (@Mention) September 12, 2016 Event Videos If you’re hosting an event or attending a conference, shoot a video and show people. Here’s one from Idealist: Had a great time at the @Idealist Grad Fair last night! How about you?!? #gradschool #goals https://t.co/ThWHlf74by pic.twitter.com/iLQB4jPMFn - Idealist Careers (@IdealistCareers) September 9, 2016 Wait, How Did You Embed Those Twitter Videos? Every video above has been embedded from Twitter.  Here's how to embed Twitter video content yourself. How To Embed A Tweet With A YouTube Link 1. Find a video tweet you'd like to embed: 2. Then, click the ellipsis and select Embed Tweet: 3. Copy the embed code and paste it into your content's HTML: 4.  If you're embedding your tweet into WordPress, paste the code where you'd like in the Text editor: 5. And here's what the end result looks like: In case you missed it! #FutureofMarketing for the #StateofInbound with @larrykim and @JoannaLord https://t.co/7LJMm92KGw - WordStream (@WordStream) September 13, 2016 How To Embed A Tweet With Native Twitter Video The process is mostly the same here. The only difference is you can choose to either embed the entire tweet (video, text, and links), or just the video: Here's what this video looks like on its own: Just checking out our applications new video feature. pic.twitter.com/zAKpoAzq6N - Brock (@BrockGAzure) September 13, 2016 Recommended Reading: How To Develop A Winning Social Media Content Strategy (Free Template) How Can I Create Better Videos For Twitter? We'll defer to Twitter themselves for this one with this handy infographic: Recommended Reading: How To Write Like A Journalist To Be A Better Marketing Storyteller How To Use Social Media Analytics To Create The Best Content How To Generate Better Social Media Campaign Ideas Like A Creative Genius Publish Twitter Videos With Social Video From Did you know you can schedule and publish Twitter videos in ? We  launched our Social Video feature just last week. It’s something we’re really excited about, and should make creating and scheduling video tweets a whole lot easier. Here’s how it works:

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Dissection and graded assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Dissection and graded - Assignment Example These factors might prevent people from participating in the screening tests. Various factors are found to be dominantly effecting people’s decision of participating in the screening tests. The two possible reasons include awareness and health beliefs. As screening is a process of identifying risk of diseases in presymptomatic individuals for effective therapy or primary prevention to evaluate the risk factors (Shickle & Chadwick, 1994). Depending upon the concepts and beliefs people decide to take part in screening procedures. Nowadays people are aware of both things, the pros of screening tests and the cons. Because of increasing adverse effects reported due to screening procedures the awareness has been increased therefore; people do not wish to participate in screening procedures. People are more aware of the adverse consequences like fear, depression, anxiety, etc. which occur due to undertaking screening tests, this hinders in their decision of participating in screening tests. Health beliefs of some individuals influenced by their culture or traditions also prevent people from participation (Government of Western Australia, 2014). People consider the screening tests to be waste of money as they do not find them useful. As studies have proven screening tests have not found effective in decreasing the risk of diseases therefore, people do not consider them as useful or result oriented. Surveys have proved that most people do not consider themselves to be sick or have any risk of disease which prevents them from taking part in screening tests. People also consider the screening procedures to be unsafe and may result in doing harm to their bodies which makes them fearful. Having proper awareness and guidance about one self and knowing whether screening is necessary or not prevent individuals from facing series of adverse outcomes. In order to overcome screeningitis the public health

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Qualitative research- keyword Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Qualitative research- keyword - Essay Example Data refers to information that has been organized into forms that can be manipulated and processed to produce desirable results (Andrews & Herzberg, 2008). In learning, data processing entails the analysis of the organized values to produce meaningful results. Data sets are usually present in typical scientific research exercises aimed at establishing relationships between different variables. Data is also applicable in the context of arts. In my period as an English student, I encountered various situations where I was required to handle some situations involving data organization and manipulation. Learning, especially the concepts of library skills involved acquisition of data concerning books from the library shelves. English also involves the aspect of interpreting information presented in tables or charts. In these cases, I had to become conversant with the aspects of data processing and presenting research information from literature and other art issues in academics (Andrews & Herzberg, 2008). Based on the qualitative research concept of grounded theory, I developed a theory which says that data organization and interpretation facilitates the learning English language. I developed this hypothesis through the ideal procedures involved in grounded theory of qualitative research (David, 2007). Data enables the employment of mathematical skills and information interpretation skills into developing meanings for situations. Data processing and organization awakens the techniques of information analysis. In this context, I started by appraising the role of data is developing meaningful information. Upon recognition of the importance, I devised a standard of gauging the significance of each role in the learning process. I categorized these significances into related groups and established the relationship between these groups and the efforts

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Advertising and promotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Advertising and promotion - Essay Example This paper aims to explore the role of advertising as part of the integrated approach to marketing communications as well as some relevant models and theories that can help explain the process of communication. This is showed through relevant examples through real-life applications of companies and brand owners of these concepts. Lastly, this paper aims to explore the new trends in the integrated marketing communications industry with changes that are prompted by the onset of new technology. Advertising has a distinct characteristic both as a strong force and a weak force in communicating with consumer (Jones 1990, 233-246). The advertising functions role in the overall marketing communications mix of the company depends on whether the advertising should be used as a strong force, or a weak force. In the older times, advertising has always been viewed as a strong force—it is the main function that is being used by companies to promote products. With advertising, brands are created as they help gain peoples attention, and later on create attitudes toward these brands (Duncan 2005). When advertising is used as a strong force, it is usually aimed to create awareness from the target audience (Jones 1990, 233-246). This is apparent in an advertisement campaign which is developed in the late 1990s for the Meat & Livestock Commission: The advertising developed by BMP DDB, ‘Recipe for love’, first slowed and then reversed the market decline. The ads ‘dramatised the unique pleasures of red meat meals’ and ‘encouraged people to make a little more effort and cook them more frequently (instead of ready meals, chicken and so on)’. There was also a ‘reassurance’ campaign that gave basic information about the nutritional benefits of red meat. Sales of both beef and all red meat grew in 1997 over 1996 (Broadbent 2008, 763). However, other people believe that advertising, in

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Strategic Plan For The Chronicle Gazette

Strategic Plan For The Chronicle Gazette The goal of the consultant report is to indicating the problem of steady decline in subscriptions to the paid newspaper not only in metropolitan area and affecting the whole industry. Advertising revenue has also dropped due to advertiser had diverse their ads in different way such as TV broadcast, CNN, CCTV, Internet etc. This report is to offer the management of The Chronicle Gazette a strategic vision of where the newspaper publishing industry stands today and where it is headed over the next decade also propose strategies the newspaper can investigate to survive in the new business environment. State of the newspaper The Chronicle Gazette subscription had been fallen by 35% and also advertising revenues also dropped by 28% in past eight years. Refer to Newspaper Association of Americas, newspaper circulation had start declining from year 1993 and keep go on comparing with the index of 2008, there have around 22 % of circulation was gone. [Total Paid Circulation: Source: Editor and Publisher International Yearbook: http://www.naa.org/TrendsandNumbers/Total-Paid-Circulation.aspx, accessed on 1st Feb, 2010] For the advertising revenue have starting to share progressively with internet publishing during year 1997 and the proportion of the total advertising volume had kept increasing comparing with 1997 and 2005 data, there have around 13 times increase of Internet advertisement in volume. Also from the chart we can see the newspaper advertising revenue keep decreasing and Internet advertising revenue keep increasing simultaneity hence that Internet had absorb part of the lose in newspaper ads. [Advertising Expenditures: http://www.naa.org/TrendsandNumbers/Advertising-Expenditures.aspx, accessed on 1st Feb, 2010] [Online advertisement revenue:- http://www.brianmcdaniel.org/2009/04/06/will-online-ad-revenue-beat-newspapers-in-2011/, accessed on 1st Feb, 2010] According to The New York Times Company reports 2009 Fourth-Quarter and Full-Year Results, although the groups revenues had increased from 21.8% to US$36.3M from US$29.8M but look into the details on the advertising revenues had dropped around 25.3% to 30.2% compare with year 2008. The group major revenues income healthy gains in both Internet cost-per-click and display advertising and also in other form of digital advertising to offset the other lose. [New York Times Press Release: http://www.nytco.com/pdf/4Q_2009_Earnings.pdf, accessed on 13th Feb, 2010] Referring to the Newscorp 2009 annual report, we can indicate that all the media revenue and the operating income had dropped which may lead by Global economic recession reason. The data also showing that the newspaper industry had affected obviously including The Wall Street Journal the worlds leading business publication. The Wall Street Journal had diverse their business in different area such as enhancing their publishing and advertisement in digital ways and providing different type of subscription to attract more reader and also providing specific personalize information for particular group. Improving the quality of contents and report in more in-depth to build up reader loyalty and convenience. [http://www.newscorp.com/Report2009/media/Newscorp_2009_annual_report.pdf, accessed on 15th Feb,2010] Company objective 3.1 External assessment Economic downturn forced newspaper to cut costs due to massive revenues decline as a result of global economic downturn. In October 2008, advertising revenues from New York Times Media Group had dropped 15.3% as compare to the same period in 2007. Social and cultural have no much change recently as people are still willing to pay for newspaper and having circulations. According to the Newspaper Demographic Analysis, the daily and the Sunday readership allocation pattern are mainly focus on Adults over 55 since they can have more leisure time and get used to read newspaper every day. Demographics of American Newspapers pattern can classifieds as below:- The Wall Street Journal is read by the people who run the country. The Washington Post is read by people who think they run the country. The New York Times is read by people who think they should run the country and who are very good at crossword puzzles. USA Today is read by people who think they ought to run the country but dont really understand The New York Times. [http://bitsandpieces.us/2008/07/13/demographics-of-american-newspapers/, accessed on 2nd Feb, 2010] [http://sify.com/finance/economic-downturn-forces-us-newspapers-to-cut-costs-news-default-jeguQJbdihc.html , accessed on 2nd Feb, 2010] [http://www.nnnlp.com/newspaper-demographics/, accessed on 2nd Feb, 2010] Political arena is a large influence upon the regulation of newspaper press freedom of those reported content and the business trading agreements of the region or national or in the state and also for EU, NAFTA, and ASEAN if the newspaper will press outside the state. Economic factors such as the demand and supply or the newspaper industry in both short and long terms, market positioning and the pricing also need to be considered. Social and cultural influence the perception of the newspaper contents and acceptance and what can attract reader to increase the circulation, consider the time will the reader spend on reading that and the layout arrangement of those content and the ordering. Identify the role of men and women within the society and get used to concentrate the aim of selling those people. The main factor affecting newspaper industry is Technological force Internet and other digital media. Being with the digital age, most of the information had been merge or migrate into the virtual world Internet. People can easily found the information they required for simple a click; some of the information can be accessed by free. One of the major revenue incomes for newspaper industry is advertisement which currently affected by the new challenge of Internet advertisement. Advertiser had starting to switch their advertisement from the traditional print out on newspaper to other media like TV, Fall ads, Road show on the public transportation and the Internet web-site. Recently, the pop-up advertisements from the Internet web-site are quite popular and some of the major search engine and newspaper web-site had enrolled as well. At the mean time, that advertisement income revenue had keep increasing rapidly and become the major parts of earning for those companies. The major advantages of the online advertisement is the advertiser can sell their services or product in text mode, colorful graphic mode, animated flash graphic or even can record a short video clips with sound for attracting audiences and enhance their perception and image. Referring to the New York Times president and CEO Janet Robinson said their coming business strategy is to enhance their digital platform and planning to introducing a paid model for NYTimes.com in 2011 to create additional revenue stream. Hence that other competitor in newspaper industry is exploring other publishing media to maintain their robust advertising business and attracting other new business partners. Competitive Force Porter five force analysis:- [Source from: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/66/Porters_five_forces.PNG/800px-Porters_five_forces.PNG] Porters Five-Force model can be use to analysis the newspaper industrial competitive environment. Threat of new entrants of newspaper publishing can be define as low to medium since the scale economies in the production and sales of newspaper had took advantage by the major newspaper distributor. Some famous brand of advertisement will only post on the popular newspaper and never shown in others. Product differentiation cannot take part in it newspaper industry since the product itself is indifferent and non-standard one. The major entry barriers in newspaper industry is the entry capital is relative high although government have no or less barrier to such industry but the equipments such as camera, printing machines, video recorder are expensive. Also the benefits of associated in newspaper industry is low and also the current distribution channel is almost occupied by other major newspaper. The amount of daily copies is high so the cost per copy of the major newspaper is low and its hard to compete with them. Small entrepreneurs have difficulty obtaining supermarket shelf space for their publishing because large retailers charge for space on their shelve and gave priority to the established publishers that can pay for the advertising needed to generate high customer demand. Switching cost is low since the readers had build up loyalty with the current subscribed newspaper and take comfortable of their printing layout and its hard for them to switch to read another newspaper easily. Bargaining power of customer is relative high since there have many other sources to get information from others like Internet, free newspaper which distribute on the street or cafà © and also from train station. Also its un-different and non-standard product which reader can easily found another similar product in the market like NY Times, WSJ, etc. Customer affect an industry through their ability to force down prices and inter-related because they purchases a large proportion of the newspaper and they have potential to integrate backward of the newspaper contents. Alternative vendors of newspaper are plentiful because newspaper is standard or undifferentiated, customer can choose among many newspaper providers and switching to read other newspaper cost is very little or zero. Once the paid newspaper is unimportant to the final quality and customer can be easily substituted it with free newspaper distribute among on the street daily so it make The Chronicle Gazette revenue keep de clining. Bargaining power of suppliers can be classified as medium to high since the important input for issuing newspaper like paper and ink supplier is dominated by a few companies only buy they sells to many. Meanwhile paper, ink and printing factory are unique which had built up a strong relation in between thus switching costs existed. Supplier are able to integrate forward or backward compete directly with their present customers like newspaper company can forward to investee in newspaper or other publishing firm or vise verse. Threat of substitute product can classify as high since we may notice that the up-trend of online publishing a rapidly increase and the cost-performance ratio comparing with traditional print out newspaper are relatively low and also the content update are most in time and interact. According to Michael Porter, Substitute limit the potential returns of an industry by placing a ceiling on the prices firms in the industry can profitably charge. Extent that switching cost is low so substitutes may have strong effect on industry. Customer are switching they platform to read the news from traditional paper printed newspaper to the online version or other free distribute newspaper and sharing the profit in the industry. Rivalry among industry is high since we may note that the newspaper industry wide revenue trend is down and not only in The Chronicle Gazette, it also affects New York Times, WSJ as mentioned. Referring to the New York Times Company 2009 Full-year report, their total revenues were down 11.5% which show that the top U.S. newspaper is also affected by economic recession and also the new internet revolution. Some type of competition such as price cut is typically highly destabilizing are likely to erode the average level of profitability in newspaper industry like Apply Daily firstly launch in HK and just sell at $2 when other traditional selling at $5 which erode the whole industry profitability. [Internet user trend :-http://www.c-i-a.com/internetusersexec.htm, accessed on 15th Feb,2010] 4. Internal assessment 4.1. Organizational processes and structure 4.2. HR capabilities Publisher The publisher is responsible for all of the operations procedure of the newspaper in both editorial team and business team. The main duties and aim of the publisher is to monitor that the newspaper run financially healthy and smoothly. Editor The editor is responsible for all the content of the editorial newspaper and monitoring the budgets and cash spent by the editorial and other supplementary of the newspaper. The publisher and editor usually is the same person. Editorial page editor The editorial page editor is responsible for the editorial page, supplementary page and also the op-ed page for the newspaper. Those pages are the letter printed on the editorial pages like letters to the editor, columns by syndicated columnists and guest columns by local people or oversea senders. Managing editor The managing editor is the person who handle and monitor the day-to-day newspaper production and also for the online version as well. City Editor The city editor also called the metro editor whom is in charge of the news coverage of the metro-area in which the newspaper is located or distributed. This position is the most important staff for collecting and analysis the news happened in that area. The city editor usually got the largest portion of staff and assigns most of the local news reporters within a organization. Chief copy editor The chief copy editor is in charge of the newspapers copydesk. The people on the copydesk read news stories and sometimes stories from other sections like through internet to make sure they are written according to the newspapers industry standards legally. The chief copy editor can make the final decisions about the copy contents and who is in charge of the staffing of the desk. Copy editor The copy editor especially well trained to read the stories that other have written and make sure they conform to the rules of grammar and style. A copy editor also performs headlines writing and performs other duties that help produce the newspaper every day. Photo editor The photo editor is not a photographer although he/she is often the case that the photo editor is a promoted from photographer previsely. Photo editor assign photographers and helps select the most outstanding photos that the newspaper will prints. Photographer The photographer takes pictures of local or oversea news events for the newspaper. Photographer have a variety of assignments each day. Larger newspapers have sports photographers focusing on those event. But in order to cut cost, most newspapers photographer will assigned to shoot not only sports stories and sometime will assign for special event shooting.. Graphics editor The graphics editors is the head of the graphics department sometimes also the art department. This editor is in charge of all of the graphics and illustrations produced for the newspaper and online version. Graphic reporter The graphic reporter perform researches and designs informational graphics that support news stories for the newspaper. A graphic reporter is an expertise in graphic forms as well as 3D flash animated graphic and must be able to associate the information that can be used to build graphics. Reporters Reporters are assigned to all the sections of the newspaper to gather news from anywhere. They gather information about events and subject that the newspaper editors had choose to cover. Reporters must know how to find the useful information, skill for interview people, professional sight for observe events and write the information they gather in a way suitable to the paper. 4.3. Financial position Revenues are down across the board caused by information is now freely available to the public through the internet. Traditionally news and advertisement are mainly publish in newspaper since newspaper is the major source for getting news around the state or worldwide and also including the advertisement. But nowadays, those information can be freely access through internet and to be more up-to-date information can be reach easily in many other interacted presentation like real time camera of the news location, promoting product with movie clip and sound demonstration and also for example mobile phone, manufacturer starting to use Flash 3D to model the real phone with all feature for reader to try out the new feature and functions of the phone in order make purchasing interest. Advertising market had being share with Internet and other media like television pay TV etc 4.4. Marketing/sales capabilities The recent marketing trend switching to publish news and other advertisement through Internet and other interactive media. Sales revenue source had switch from newspaper copy to internet base in recent few years. Referring to the New York Times 2009 annual report, newspaper advertising revenues had dropped dramatically and lucky they had develop an online version and trying to adopt the loses from newspaper advertisement and luckily they had get successful reflected by their annual report. The Chronicle Gazette already had a sales team for handling customer advisement and we only have to restructure those them and make necessary investment on those equipments required for digitalize publishing through Internet or television. Sales capabilities are possible as Chronicle Gazette got strong customer base and both parties had need to keep abreast of the latest technology and also can adopt another segment of customer in order to widen the vision and services base. Also its the only way can make survival in this industry as its the trend of the coming future. 4.5. Operational capabilities Operational capabilities can be viewed by value-chain analysis to determine the competitive advantage of Chronicle Gazette, since Chronicle Gazette is a leading newspaper in a major metropolitan area and reaching paid circulation of 225,000 customers and ranked as first-rate newspaper over the years which mean they had built up a strong loyalty with reader. Considering the outbound logistics which approach the newspaper can be distribute on time to the retailer and also can deliver the internet version simiutainstly for subscriber. Inbound logistics like material- paper and ink can deliver to printing factory on time to reach Just-In-Time production is the aim. Operation can be make more efficient like utilize the use of Internet and E-mail to deliver the reports and photos to central office for press release in order the shorten the time and cost. Quality of the reported contents and advertisement must be reviewed by chief editor before press release, organize a clear workflow for e ach department to avoid any job duplicate and make it work with procedure smoothly. Currently Chronicle Gazette have no online version, IT capability require to implement and fund may require for investage in IT equipments like servers, internet access, web-site designer and cam-recorder etc., security issues may also need to consider since some confidential and privacy content may easily expose through internet and somehow each subscriber got different limits of access authority which related to their payment level or country. 4.6. Strengths and weaknesses Here is the SWOT analysis listed the evaluation of those opportunities and threats in the business environment. Strengths Opportunities Stay at the leading newspaper in major metropolitan area. High circulation rate and won awards for their hard work over the years. Loyalty built up with readers. Traditionally style enjoyed with readers. Setup online version to compete with other newspaper. Providing discount subscription fee for online user to attract customer. Weaknesses Threats No online version of newspaper. No animated graphic and video clip features. Release time restriction due to its printed material. Insufficient on online publishing experience. Online page layout may not be accepted by old customer. High investment for IT equipments. 5.) Marketing Strategy Recently Chronicle Gazette only sold at retail stores, counter and shop which covered in major metropolitan area and being a leading first-rated newspaper in those area. Providing web based newspaper for online subscription with discounted price. Providing some free news headline to attract customer and web-surfer to read in-depth and make them hungry for details thereby to become a subscriber. Also offering classified subscription for subscriber to select what they want to see and removing other unwanted news materials by their account. Setting up a loyalty program for contact base subscription such as subscribe for 2 years will have 20% discount and 1 year with 10% discount offer from Chronicle Gazette. The 24 hours online version of Chronicle Gazette can be update periodically like 2 to 3 hours for the latest news which can have additional photos and video clips for more details. In order to take care of the blind people, vocal news report can be also available in the online version. Customize page layout can be personalize to display what they want in the main page and also welcome for subscriber to provide suggestion and new for the editor. Student subscription in very attractive price and arrange delivery service to their school after the peak hour so that we can utilize the uses of our transportation team and also can maintaining worker have available job to draw the social responsibility out. Additional student supplement post can be attached which those report can be directly related to student or submit by school tutor and student. Q A forum and some education quiz can be containing in the supplement for enhancing the knowledge of student. Meanwhile we can provide the market requirement for specialist and business trend analysis for student to plan their future job direction. Those attractive package offered to student can build up loyalty and attract them for subscription after graduated. Strengthen with the connection with Newspaper Association of America for those domestic and oversea newspapers, commercial radio and television broadcasts which have a great opportunity for corporation. Those representative can share the hardship in their group and other organization may providing suggestion and experience to get survival. All sales strategies through this multi-channel/direction approach with different price strategies can utilize our current asset and production capacity and showing that we have care in all level of people. 6. Steps for The Chronicle Gazette to deal with challenges The step for The Chronicle Gazette might take in order to deal with the challenges can have the following:- Short-term plan which react within one year: Implement the online version of chronicle Gazette and consult with I.T. specialist for setting up the first release. Investigate on those equipments and make necessary funding and financial plan. Strengthen the current Sales Marketing team to adopt the new challenges and providing I.T. training and explanation for all staffs. Reduce the redundant staffs and suggesting early retirement for elderly staff with attractive scheme. Promoting saving of office electricity, paper and other equipments and cut some un-necessary expense from staff which will not affect their normal report activities and operation. Promoting direct sales of the newspaper with delivery service together with the discount price. Attracting more customers for pre-payment to increase the company cash flow for further implementation. Introducing the coming online version and interactive advertisement for old and current advertiser and show them the coming trend and advantage for those advertising media and plan for coming development. Launching a free copy version to increase the customer base and coordinate with advertiser to providing their product discount coupons to achieve win-win situation. Increasing the content of the newspaper such as putting additional recruitment ads, Buy sell, student special column etc to widen the reader base. Distributing the newspaper oversea with localize news and report which seek for a way to develop oversea market. Contact those colleges and university to promoting student version newspaper with supreme discount price with delivery service to increase the reader base and build up the future loyalty. Long-term plan which react for two to five years: Review all the department staff job nature and review their education background and working experience to evaluate their job performance and provide necessary opportunity to increase his/her productivities. Aim to cut down the operating expense by 10% to 30% gradually. Re-structure the organization and management team to work more efficiency and know how to work smart in all level of staff. Increase more customer base through different media like the online version and distribute version. Also trying to sell the newspaper for oversea customer. Special free newspaper distribute in crowd business area like Metro, Headline to attract customer/readers. Advertisement revenue may increase in such distributing channel. Enhancing the online version of Chronicle Gazette with fully graphic base and containing real time video news report. Online translated version can be enjoyed by different country people. Vocal version can be implementing for blind people and showing how we approach to take the social responsibility. Attracting different advertising agent and provide them for continuously advertisement placement with discounted price. New report topic and keep expanding into state-wide and foresee the trend to entry to worldwide market instead of regional newspaper. Employing some young people for form a young group for innovation, brave topic publishing. Closely work with the young people trend in order to think and make creation for sharing with readers. Both short term and long term strategies need to implement together which can help Chronicle Gazette to gain back to lose portion of revenues and develop many other income source. I.T. affect not only in the newspaper industries and it affect the entire world already. Currently we stay with information age which most information can be found easily through internet so we must provide reader a correct way and attitude to analysis that information and to recognize the validity. 7. Conclusion Chronicle Gazette revenue downturn due to the losses of the advertising income. Advertiser switching their advertise media from the traditional newspaper to other broadcasting and Internet. In order to capture the lose market share, Information technology required to implement for online version of newspaper and capture back the advertiser to use or service and wide distribution channel. Both short term and long term strategies plan are helpful to make Chronicle Gazette survive and even getting better than before. Keep an eye for the market trend and innovation is the key point to make the business success. To broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure are already true to make the business more successful.